14:52 | 25.12.23 | News
Ucom Attains Prestigious ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Excellence
16:20 | 22.04.19 | News
Beeline’s PR manager conducts a lecture for postgraduates and PR school students
16:57 | 25.02.16 | News
VivaCell-MTS joins the Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies
16:20 | 21.03.11 | News
Level of information security increased in Armenia, Secretary of the Security Council believes
09:51 | 15.12.10 | News
“VivaCell-MTS” assisted placement of information boards in the area of “Erebuni” museum
14:08 | 10.05.10 | News
«The level of information security in most of Armenian banks is not sufficient»
10:00 | 22.04.11 | News
11:40 | 03.03.25 | News
Ralph Yirikian shares his experience with Cybersecurity training course participants
17:40 | 18.01.23 | News
With the efforts of Viva-MTS the border village of Tigranashen provided with 80% lighting
13:09 | 19.10.22 | News
Solar plant and new LED lights in borderland Koti with the support of Viva-MTS
16:07 | 06.05.21 | Interviews | exclusive
Leo Petrossian. There are many opportunities for building healthcare companies in Armenia
11:24 | 24.05.19 | News
Beeline kicks off the 11th edition of “3rd Generation” annual internship program
14:31 | 14.05.19 | Interviews | exclusive
Jean Gurunlian: The development of Webb Fontaine’s Armenian office is remarkable
10:21 | 21.02.19 | Interviews | exclusive
Avet Manukyan: We presented AI-based solution “Doctor Lex” at HIMSS19
12:43 | 25.07.16 | News
VivaCell-MTS to support implementation of Basics of Telecommunication subject at high schools
16:37 | 30.03.15 | News
17:21 | 10.11.14 | News
Mario Mazzola delivered a lecture to the students and specialists representing the IT sphere
11:36 | 16.08.11 | Interviews | exclusive