11:36 | 16.08.11 | Interviews | exclusive 8105
ААТМ is a non-governmental organization established in 2008 with a
mission to assist to the development of telemedicine and eHealth (also
known as Health ICT) in Armenia, to ensure wider use of Information and
Communication Technologies in medicine and healthcare.
eHealth is
a rather broad concept describing the use of all electronic and digital
applications to support healthcare delivery, administration, education
and research, while the main focus of telemedicine is the provision of
clinical care remotely, when the patient and the physician or two or
more physicians are separated by a considerable distance.
there are multiple telemedicine programs and networks operating all over
the world. Highly specialized clinical care is typically concentrated
in large metropolitan areas, while people living in remote especially
rural communities often lack local specialist physicians and often need
to travel long distance to see a narrow specialist. Telemedicine is
capable of solving that problem.
Telemedicine and eHealth
applications are also critical for the continuous medical education and
professional development of physicians. Consider a general practitioner
working in a remote or isolated area of Armenia who, with the help of
telemedicine tools, is able to consult with a specialist working in a
major city in the country or even outside Armenia to get help in
treating patients and also to receive latest news and updates on
patients’ management.
- What kind of remote patient-doctor interaction exists today? To what extent can it replace the traditional clinical care?
Today, healthcare delivery becomes more and more dependent on internet
and digital technologies. Here is a typical example: an ECG
(electrocardiogram) can now easily be obtained using a special digital
device in the comfort of patient’s home and sent to the cardiologist via
internet or other telecommunication link. The doctor can see the ECG
trace, for example, on his/her smartphone while being on a business
trip, on board a plane, or even on vacation, and can “consult” the
patient or provide advice. By the way, talking about smartphones it
should be noted that today’s telemedicine is increasingly using mobile
devices and wireless connections.
- What the role of telemedicine might be in surgery? Is it more of a science fiction or a matter of remote future?
The surgery is the most conservative field of healthcare in this
regard. If non-surgical care, such as medication treatment or diagnostic
services (such as reading an X-ray film or a computed tomography image)
can easily be provided at a distance using contemporary digital
technologies, it is much more complicated with regard to a surgical
procedure. Nevertheless, even in this field the first steps have already
been done.
We are speaking about surgical procedures performed
with the help of special surgical robots, when the surgeon, using
joystick-like manipulators, controls robotic “arms” holding the surgical
instruments. Such robots are widely used today in developed countries;
in some countries, like the USA, robotic-assisted surgeries have largely
become a standard of treatment for some conditions, such as removal of
the prostate for example.
Even though the surgeon, who is
operating using the robot, is in the same operation theater, yet is
physically separated from the patient and controls the procedure from
the manipulating console using the “joysticks”. Hence, the same can well
be achieved with the surgeon seating not in the same room but a
thousand miles away if the manipulating console is linked to the robot
“arms” via a high-speed internet connection just like a French surgeon,
professor Jacques Marescaux from the European Institute of Telesurgery
(EITS) did back in 2001, when he operated from New-York on a patient
located in Strasburg. However, such cases are still considered largely
- The most dramatic telemedicine experience
in Armenia dates back to 1988, when in the aftermath of the disastrous
earthquake American doctors consulted their Armenian colleagues through a
satellite connection established by NASA (the Spacebridge project).
That gave Armenian specialists unique experience. To what extent is that
experience applicable today?
- Indeed, Armenia acquired a
definite telemedicine experience rather early, when telemedicine
technologies were in infancy even in developed countries. Unfortunately,
just as it often happens, that experience came as a result of tragic
circumstances. It should be noted that telemedicine today is regarded as
a powerful tool especially in the settings of natural or man-made
In the years following the earthquake telemedicine in
Armenia has not been developing to any serious extent due to many
understandable reasons (such as social and economic breakdown, lack of
financing and investments etc). In fact, one of the major prerequisites
for the establishment of our association was the significant advancement
of the Information and Communication Technologies field in the country
in the last 10 years.
Today, it is still premature to speak of
significant developments in the field of telemedicine and eHealth in
Armenia. There are several programs fueled by a group of enthusiasts.
Some healthcare institutions have videoconferencing equipment and
external (international) partners, who episodically consult their
patients. All these are, however, little more than rare examples. We do
not yet have sustainable regular telemedicine and eHealth programs or
- What is AATM doing to promote systemic development of telemedicine and eHealth in Armenia?
We are trying to intensify and support the use of telemedicine and
eHealth in the country. The association has already had first experience
with own telemedicine programs. The first pilot project supported by
USAID grant was conducted in 2010. Within the framework of the project
leading specialists from Yerevan provided clinical consultations to
patients presenting to a primary healthcare center in Jrashen village of
Lori region (north of Armenia). The project was followed by a series of
similar initiatives.
Our vision is to establish a nationwide
telemedicine network connecting all hospitals, clinics and rural
out-patient primary care facilities throughout Armenia, giving patients
and their managing physicians фn opportunity to consult with specialists
country-wide whenever needed.
Another goal is the development of
an Armenian eHealth portal – a single universal electronic interface
accessible to and used by both patients and healthcare professionals. I
am quite sure we will witness serious progress in the above areas in the
forthcoming years.
Our association is the national member of the
International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth from Armenia, thus
representing our country within that global structure. It is also worth
mentioning that thanks to association’s vast international relations and
important collaborations built worldwide, AATM today offers its member
physicians as well as presenting patients an opportunity to consult with
leading specialists from around the globe, primarily in Europe and
North America.
- Back to the congress: who is going to participate and what will be the major topics of discussion?
“ARMTELEMED” International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth is
going to be the first event of that format, scope and magnitude not only
in Armenia but also in the region. The major goal of the meeting is to
bring together in the single forum all those interested in telemedicine
and eHealth from the domains of healthcare, Information and
Communication Technologies as well as from the government and other
regulatory bodies to boost development of the field in Armenia.
congress will feature keynote presentations by leading international
specialists with immense experience of developing telemedicine and
eHealth. Many of them are truly pioneers and founders of the field
worldwide, who in their own (and other) countries followed the entire
pathway of telemedicine development and installation of necessary
infrastructure. Due to active international policy of AATM and global
partnership created, these experts consented to visit Armenia and share
their invaluable experience with the congress audience. It is further
expected that the congress will be attended by more than 300 delegates.
highlights of three days of congress work will be widely disseminated
among telemedicine and eHealth specialists around the world, making
Armenia more recognizable in the field. That will also allow local
organizations, companies and professionals involved or interested in the
telemedicine domain to present themselves on the international arena.
In my opinion, the event will become an important impetus to further
development of telemedicine and eHealth in Armenia: it will impart new
momentum to the field and facilitate inflow of investments.