17:48 | 09.01.23 | Interviews | exclusive
Zareh Zurabyan: There aren't that many companies in Armenia that have a fully developed product
16:29 | 21.11.19 | News
Ralph Yirikian gives a lecture on “How to dream and achieve your dreams in a digital era?"
15:13 | 15.03.19 | Interviews | exclusive
Laurent Signoret: New generation in Armenia will push the idea of digitization
11:51 | 20.02.19 | News
With the support of Ucom S. Parajanov’s museum provides audio guide services
11:00 | 16.11.17 | Interviews | exclusive
Eduard Nersisyan: We will create a unique digital ecosystem in Armenia
10:39 | 27.04.17 | Interviews | exclusive
Laurent Signoret. Cyber-attacks statistics in Armenia concerning
15:25 | 18.12.14 | News
This month Beeline to complete network digitization in three more communities
03:06 | 03.12.12 | News
7 new e-management systems including e-consulate to be introduced in Armenia