15:25 | 18.12.14 | News | 3711

    This month Beeline to complete network digitization in three more communities

    By the end of this year, Beeline will complete landline network digitization in Metsavan community in Lori region, Kuchak community in Aragatsotn region and Norashen community in Armavir region.

    Beeline informed that from then on, high-quality digital network services will be available for the residents of these communities, broadband Internet quality will be enhanced, while Kuchak community residents will start taking advantage of broadband Internet services. During digitization works, the equipment will be also replaced and modernized.

    “Beeline remains committed to its strategy of across-the-board development and this year has considerably enlarged the digitization geography of its fixed network. Digitization works will continue next year as well, and we will provide simple, convenient and high-quality network services for our subscribers in Armenian regions”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    The digitization index exceeds 87% in Armenia, while the total wire length is over 8.5 thousand km.

    Fixed networks of 16 Armenian settlements were digitized in 2014. The company believes reduced landline network tariffs are one of its achievements in 2014.