17:00 | 08.12.09 | News
Armenia occupies the 131st place in the world as to download internet connection speed
14:01 | 26.10.09 | News
Armenian IT companies to participate in Regional event on information technologies in Tbilisi
14:17 | 21.10.09 | News
As to the level of computer piracy, Armenia is one of the leading countries in the world
14:08 | 06.07.09 | News
Internet price in Armenia the highest in the region and the level of penetration the lowest
11:42 | 06.07.09 | News
Armenian internet providers need greater number of exits to international mains, “Arminco” believes
16:13 | 01.04.09 | News
“Stimulation of regional cooperation through IT” conference to take place in Yerevan
14:39 | 27.03.09 | News
Armenia occupies 114th place among 134 countries in “Networked Readiness Index”