17:07 | 25.03.10 | News | 3923

    Armenia occupying 101st line in “Networked Readiness Index”

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenia occupied the 101st place among 133 countries in Networked Readiness Index (NRI) in the annual Global Information Technology Report of the World Economic Forum (WEF), going up 13 lines, as compared to the previous index.

    Mediamax reports that the representative of WEF Yerevan partner, “Economy and Values” Research Center Manuk Hergnyan said this at a news conference in Yerevan today.

    According to him, the report is based on readiness index, which reflects the level of countries’ participation in development of information and telecommunication technologies and their use, which contributes to increase of competitiveness among countries. Manuk Hergnyan noted that the index is formed basing on estimating the level of information technologies’ development as to 67 parameters. This year, Armenia significantly improved its positions in the sphere of connecting to mobile network (54th place), as well as the processes on business registration (32nd place).

    “The most negative tendencies are observed in the sphere of educational expenditures of the government”, the Center Head stated.

    Despite the priority status of the sphere of information technologies (IT) in Armenia, the country’s rating as to IT technologies’ spreading in governmental structures has gone down (120th line).

    Azerbaijan and Georgia occupy 64th and 93rd positions respectively in “Networked Readiness Index”.