12:59 | 19.10.11 | News
Alternative tariff plans of ArmenTel fixed network to be available on January 1
17:10 | 12.10.11 | News
MNP in Armenia will be temporarily replaced with the “national roaming” service
17:21 | 05.10.11 | News
ArmenTel awards winners of “In the World of the Fairy-tale” all-Armenian junior painting contest
11:18 | 30.09.11 | News
Mediamax and VivaCell-MTS invited Facebook and Wikimedia representatives to Armenia
15:42 | 23.09.11 | News
ArmenTel: it’s impossible lay hold of the Beeline subscriber base through the Internet
16:56 | 09.09.11 | News
National Film Awards will be held in Yerevan in February 2012 with Orange Armenia support
14:25 | 07.09.11 | News
Armenia ranks 33d among 142 countries by the level of mobile network penetration
11:36 | 16.08.11 | Interviews | exclusive
17:12 | 13.07.11 | News
Armenia should prove to the world that here one can run IT business, ABBYY Vice-President said
15:18 | 29.06.11 | News
ArmenTel and Samsung Electronics awarded winners of Armenian Cyber Game Championship
12:31 | 03.06.11 | News
“ArmenTel” to render assistance to the programs of Armenian Ministry of Education
18:56 | 01.06.11 | News
11:08 | 31.05.11 | News
14:51 | 25.05.11 | News
15:24 | 27.04.11 | News
“Informa” analyst described Mediamax as “a major player in the Armenian online market”
10:53 | 26.04.11 | News
“PSRC to change registration and register of mobile connection companies’ subscribers”
14:11 | 13.04.11 | News
Armenia intends to become the regional center in the sphere of nuclear medicine
17:20 | 25.03.11 | News
10:03 | 14.03.11 | News
Beeline and Gafesjian Center for the Arts launch a new creativity program for teenagers
15:40 | 24.02.11 | News
What is the average volume of traffic used by Orange, Beeline and VivaCell-MTS subscribers?
10:40 | 13.01.11 | News
David Yang: “Ideas and projects will return to Armenia and everything will start”
11:45 | 27.12.10 | Interviews | exclusive
“New opportunities for realizing joint projects open up for us”