17:10 | 12.10.11 | News | 3467

    MNP in Armenia will be temporarily replaced with the “national roaming” service

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Works on introducing the service of Mobile number portability (MNP) in Armenia have already started, said member of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) Samvel Arabajyan.

    MNP service provides shifting from one mobile operator to another without changing the number and code. The MNP service is obligatory for all the EU countries in particular.

    “We have already turned to donors for getting technical support. The Finnish government may particularly provide a grant to the EBRD which will allow us getting necessary consulting support”, said Samvel Arabajyan answering Mediamax’s question.

    He didn’t call any particular terms of MNP introduction in Armenia noting that it depends on the readiness of mobile operators to do necessary investments as well as resolving of a number of legal issues.

    The PSRC member said that the PSRC intends to introduce “national roaming” service in Armenia “which provides almost half of MNP options” within 2012.