10:06 | 17.02.11 | News | 3503

    Mobile Number Portability came into effect in Georgia

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Mobile Number Portability came into effect in Georgia. It allows subscribers changing the operators without changing the numbers.

    Mediamax reports referring “News-Georgia” that the number portability is realized free of charge, and if the subscriber wishes, he/she can use the option repeatedly but no more than once a month.

    At present, there are three companies of mobile connection functioning in mobile connection market of Georgia: “Magti”, which occupies 42% of the market, “Geocell” (45%) and Beeline (13%).

    In summer, 2009, member of the Public Services Regulatory Committee of Armenia (PSRC) Samvel Arabajyan stated in an interview to Mediamax that excessive haste in the issue of introduction of MNP in Armenia “may lead to the opposite effect and harm the development of the market”.

    He noted that PSRC carries out works on assessing the technical capacities, required for investments, studies the foreign experience of holding a single register of phone numbers.

    In January, 2010, General Director of Orange Armenia Bruno Duthoit stated in an interview to Mediamax that introduction of Mobile Number Portability service in Armenia “would be useful for the market”.

    “We need MNP and the necessary investments for introduction of this service should be divided among all the operators”, Orange General Director was saying.