14:54 | 17.05.17 | News | 15711

Beeline Communication Museum again to join Museum Night

Beeline informs about joining the Museum Night annual international event.

Beeline Communication Museum will be open to visitors on May 18 from 09:00 to 18:00 Yerevan Time and on May 20 from 15:00 to 21:00

“Beeline is happy to invite all those interested in the development of communications technologies to Communication Museum. Modern communication technologies have become a part of daily lives for young people, while providing those services requires hard yet interesting work. We were at the origins of creation of telecommunications, which is partially displayed at our museum. We have decided to join Museum Night international event this year, inviting everyone to get acquainted with the Armenian operators and the development of telecommunications in Armenia,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin remarked.

Communication Museum is located on 24/1 Azatutyun.