11:22 | 17.05.17 | News | 14294

Aurora Prize heroes now in PicsArt

PicsArt photo editor joins Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in the frames of the 2017 Aurora Prize ceremony and accompanying events, presenting new stickers to the app and social network users.

New PicsArt stickers feature the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative logo, quotes from the first laureate and finalists of the Aurora Prize, as well as materials and pictures about their activity.

Social network users can make use of the stickers to edit and share the final pictures.

Aurora Prize ceremony will take place on May 28 in Yerevan. The laureate of the 2017 Aurora Prize will be revealed during the ceremony.

PicsArt is an app and social network for photo editing and collage making, as well as drawing and jointly editing pictures. It’s free for iOS, Android and Windows.