08:06 | 14.06.16 | News | 7894

VivaCell-MTS responds to the call to cancel roaming in Artsakh

VivaCell-MTS responded to the note that journalist Edik Baghdasaryan posted on June 13, where the head of the Armenian Association of Investigative Journalists called to cancel roaming in Artsakh and “develop clear mechanisms in the fight against Karabakh Telecom and VivaCell.”

The response of VivaCell-MTS, addressed to Edik Baghdasaryan, reads in particular:

“AMD 66,470 out of AMD 72 392 subject to payment for services provided to you in May are charged for roaming. If you wish, the service centres can provide you detailed extracts. This data is stored in the company’s system in accordance with the law, and you have complete access to it as a subscriber.

In regard to your statement on the necessity to cancel roaming between VivaCell-MTS and Karabakh Telecom, we state that activity of VivaCell-MTS as a mobile operator is regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and international standards. In particular, VivaCell-MTS provides services by the license obtained in accordance with regulations of the legislation of Armenia, and provision of these services is limited exclusively by the territory of Armenia, established by the license and accepted by GSM Association. As for roaming tariffs in Artsakh, we should notice that the tariff for 1 minute of outgoing calls to Armenia for VivaCell-MTS subscribers is equal to tariffs that other mobile operators in Armenia set for their subscribers.

VivaCell-MTS considers is unacceptable to confuse or condition the projects it realizes in the framework of corporative social responsibility by solely commercial activity. VivaCell-MTS works openly and transparently, and all expenses of the company (including those on social investments) are audited by international audit companies.

We call you and other responsible citizens (especially journalistic community) to refrain from spreading unconfirmed information.”