10:43 | 29.05.15 | News | 3684

    Beeline starts digitization of Geghashen landline network

    Beeline continues digitization of dial exchanges and subscriber lines in Armenian marzes. As of May 2015, works for landline digitization and reconnection of subscriber phone lines started in Geghashen community of Kotayk marz.

    After digitization works scheduled by June 15, residents of Geghashen community will have a new quality services of digital landline network and broadband internet.

    As a result of digitization of infrastructures, the equipment will be replaced and updated, and the current subscriber lines will be reconnected to the new digital station.

    “Our company continues digitization of infrastructures making our simple and convenient services available to people in Armenian marzes. Soon, residents of Geghashen community will be able to experience the quality and affordable services of Beeline landline network and broadband internet”, noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    Over 2014, Beeline has digitized phone networks of 16 Armenian settlements, mounted over 3500 phone lines and over 1000 new ports of broadband internet services.