17:47 | 18.11.14 | News | 3333

67 000 people take advantage of free eye care services within “Sight to Armenian Eyes” program

Over 67 000 Armenian residents have taken advantage of free eye care services within “Sight to Armenian Eyes” program of “The Armenian EyeCare Project” (AECP) and Orange Foundation. 5200 out of these people underwent a surgery in the Mobile Eye Care Hospital (MEH).

Summing up Mobile Eye Care Hospital's 2014 tour, the distribution of eyeglasses envisaged by “1 selfie=1 eyeglass” program has started in Armavir region, in the city of Ejmiatsin, with the participation of the representatives of Orange Foundation and AECP.

“We are happy to sum up “Sight to Armenian Eyes” program along with our partners. We are proud of this cooperation as it helps tens of thousands of people and indeed changes their life. On top of that, we are launching the next phase of “1 selfie=1 eyeglasses” program which has greatly succeeded owing to Orange subscribers and within which over 826 children in Armavir region will get free eyeglasses, and since our initial studies have shown that all 826 eyeglasses won’t be required in Armavir region, we have decided to give the rest of eyeglasses to children of other regions”, said Chairman of the Board of Orange Armenia Foundation Francis Gelibter.