17:16 | 03.05.18 | News | 17127

    Beeline to double mobile internet traffic

    Beeline will double the internet traffic for mobile users until May 31 inclusive.

    Starting from May 3, internet traffic for subscribers of Mega daily mobile internet service, Giga monthly internet service and Smart, Neo, Neo Max and Quatro tariff plans will increase twofold.

    “Beeline Armenia’s mission is to provide reliable connection of high quality to the customers and the whole country. Mobile internet is an integral part of modern communication and we have noticed an evident increase in use of mobile internet by our subscribers in recent days. Many of them have even spent their internet package entirely. We love our customers and we are happy to announce the internet traffic for mobile users will double,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    This offer is available to both current and new subscribers.