10:43 | 30.04.18 | News | 25399

    Ruben Vardanyan talks his profits on investments in Tesla

    Social entrepreneur Ruben Vardanyan told about his experience on investments in Tesla.  

    “I made a very small investment of USD 100 000 in Tesla and got USD 700 000. This happened by chance. In fact, a friend of mine offered to participate, though I wasn’t quite sure about the company,” Ruben Vardanyan told in an interview to Vedomosti.

    “I also invested in another company, but I lost everything, as unfortunately, Trump killed the idea. Nonetheless, it was a brilliant idea: launch of industrial production of ethanol and components of diesel fuel, in other words, contribution to green energy”, he said.

    Vardanyan admitted: “I am not the luckiest investor.”

    “I better invest in people, who do something unique,” he remarked.