16:14 | 11.12.17 | News | 20006

Ucom to keep on supporting “Armath” lab in Nerkin Karmiraghbyur community

Recently, Hayk Yesayan, the Director General at Ucom, has visited the students of “Armath” engineering laboratory, operating in the rural school of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur community in Tavush region.

With the support of Ucom, the laboratory was opened 2 years ago in this school, which is immediately under the fire of the enemy.

If two years ago the lessons of young engineers and programmers were being held in a psychologically strained environment, now the situation is different, as the school is protected with a 3m high protective wall, which allows children to feel safer and concentrate on the learning process. Nevertheless, the feeling of everyday danger hinders these children from understanding clearly how to apply their school knowledge in future.

“The village has a population of 400, out of which 79 are schoolchildren, who attend this rural school. The protective wall around the school is the guarantee of the learning process. It’s clear that under such conditions a school should be more than a school. It should connect these children with the outside world and expand their worldview. Everything should be done to help these children discover the world without leaving their village, we should bring the world with all its knowledge, difficulties and opportunities to these children. We can achieve this goal by leveraging on our staff and the Internet,” said Hayk Yesayan, the Director General at Ucom.

In order to break down the wall between Narkin Karmiraghbyur village and the outside world, Ucom is pursuing the idea of shaping engineering mindset and creative thinking among the young generation. On the one hand, it’s an easy process, as the program language in all “Armath” labs is the Armenian and the children are very smart, on the other hand, it’s hard, as the everyday danger and routine life distract children from shaping their own future.

“My dream is to help the Armenian solider. The robotics allows to understand, for example, how to design an unmanned flying vehicle (drone) and thus help the soldiers keeping the borders of our country,” Razmik Adamyan, a student at “Armath” engineering laboratory shared his dreams.

“I’m going to be a doctor, but I’m quite convinced that I can apply my knowledge of robotics in designing such equipment that would help to save human lives,” contemplated Nune Avagyan, a student at “Armath” engineering laboratory in Nerkin Karmiraghbyur.
As a reminder, Ucom is the largest supporter of the program of implementation of “Armath” engineering laboratories. Thanks to investments of Ucom (around 150 mln. AMD), 39 “Armath” engineering laboratories are currently operating in several region of Armenia, including border villages.