17:55 | 31.07.17 | News | 36895

VivaCell-MTS supports holding of Business task competition

In the frame of “Junior Achievements of Armenia” and VivaCell-MTS partnership for the fourth time the annual “Business task” competition has been held.

The goal of a joint initiative is to establish a dialogue between business and education, and thus stimulate entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking among high school students.

The participants of JAA's 25th Summer Youth Camp, namely, more than 150 pupils from different regions of the republic took part in the competition. The program provides campers with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in the business environment to offer innovative solutions and approaches from a business perspective.

Prior to the start of the competition VivaCell-MTS employees provided the campers with a specific business task that was to explore VivaCell-MTS's web site, Viva prepaid and postpaid tariff plans and present more attractive offers and solutions for the customers.

High school pupils had to offer solutions and recommendations to the committee that included the Executive Board of the Armenian Youth Initiatives Armine Hovhannisian and VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Business is governed not by written laws alone. There are also unwritten rules of ethics and responsibility, which are equally important. A successful business is a business that is guided by both written and unwritten rules. The task you have been given today requires you to present a business solution that both has competitive advantage and takes into consideration customers’ needs and is in line with the core values of the company. The project is also a useful platform for the participating teams to enhance the theoretical knowledge with practical skills in marketing and business administration. I wish you all good luck and victory,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

While developing the proposal, campers were thinking freely and creatively, taking into account the following points:

•    pricing policy
•    business profits
•    corporate social responsibility
•    competition

The event was organized within the framework of the "Entrepreneurial and Civic Education" program. The program is being implemented in more than 150 communities of the Republic, sponsored by JHM Charity Foundation and HSBC Bank. The goal of the project is to provide economic and entrepreneurial knowledge to about 3500 students from these communities. Particularly, introducing business ethics and corporate social responsibility principles and providing theoretical knowledge in practice. Due to the project, pupils learn to show active citizenship, to be engaged in teamwork and to take care of their community well-being.
The winning team comprised of 13 members was awarded with BLU Vivo 5 Mini smartphones by VivaCell-MTS.

More information is provided on the website of the "Junior Achievements of Armenia" www.jaarmenia.org.