15:14 | 26.10.15 | News | 6030

Ucom supports opening of engineering labs in Tavush villages

Upon the initiative of the Union of IT Enterprises and Ucom, modern engineering labs opened in Koghb, Nerkin Karmiraghbyur and Artsvaberd villages of Tavush marz.

Ucom noted that the labs are equipped with high-quality 3D printer, Gugark mini computers and other devices.

Pupils will study programming, 3D modeling, electronics and mechanics in the labs.

“It’s critical that children develop technological mindset and basics of engineering from very school so as to have our domestic production in future proudly marked “Made in Armenia” slogan”, said Ucom Director Hayk Yesayan.

“Ucom attaches importance to programs aimed at developing and encouraging education and children’s knowledge. Development of education and implementation of innovative technologies in border settlements is especially important”, the press release reads.

Not only pupils of the school but residents of the village and adjacent villages can be retrained in the engineering labs.