15:09 | 08.10.15 | News | 3564

    Beeline supports enhancing youth competitiveness on labor market

    Jointly with the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA), Beeline announces the start of “Enhancement of Youth Competitiveness on the Armenian Labor Market” program.

    The program makes part of Beeline’s “Make Your Mark” global strategy.

    The program is aimed at boosting young people’s skills in business and career planning, setting up and running business, enhancing the competitiveness on the labor market, and contributing to prevention of migration and stimulation of employment.

    The program will be implemented in 3 phases.

    “We highlight the importance of cooperation with RUEA and we’re sure that the program will also help young people change their lives for the better. I believe our project will allow goal-oriented young people across Armenia to acquire knowledge and skills which of course will be useful for them while planning their career, running and developing their business”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    In the first phase, all the participants will fill out the questionnaires to reveal their interest in entrepreneurship. The specialized committee will examine them and the best offers will be selected as a result of the competition.

    Young people from Armenian marzes are also eligible to take part in “On the Path of Career Planning” training course.