18:44 | 05.08.15 | News | 4072

    Orange Armenia’s response to Beeline

    Orange Armenia disseminated a press release according to the claim of Beeline against Orange Armenia.

    “Following the press publications in the Armenian media about the claim of “ArmenTel” CJSC against Orange Armenia for unfair competition in the communication of the roaming service in Russia, Orange expresses its surprise that through public communication ArmenTel is trying to put a pressure on the public authorities of the Republic of Armenia. The company presents its position and clarifications, for the information of its customers:

    1. In contrast to ArmenTel customers, Orange customers do not have to pay any activation fee to enjoy good tariffs in roaming (290 AMD in the case of ArmenTel). In order to benefit from the same low rate offered by Orange while roaming in Russia, an ArmenTel subscriber would need to speak more than72.32 minutes.
    2. Moreover, Orange wishes to remind that it offers good tariffs in Russia when calling to local networks”,- the press release reads.