17:17 | 27.05.15 | News | 4639

VivaCell-MTS supports opening of a Creativity Lab at Getasahen school

The seventh Creativity Lab was opened as a result of collaboration by VivaCell-MTS and Children of Armenia Fund (COAF).

Students of Getashen village, marz of Armavir, will enjoy the new classroom environment, equipped with innovative technologies - smart board, modern computers and special mobile furniture.

COAF encourages creative thinking through innovative technologies. True to its policy of Corporate Social Responsibility, VivaCell-MTS provided financial support to make the state-of-the-art technology accessible for children.

Just a reminder, the collaboration with VivaCell-MTS enabled launch of Creativity Labs for the kids in the communities of Sardarapat, Hatsik and Vanand in Armavir marz, Arteni in Aragatsotn marz, Tumanyan and Dsegh in Lori Marz. Even the environment in this multifunctional classroom fosters creative thinking. This environment is shaped by using computer when doing everyday tasks, referring to the technologies during the lessons, briefings, seminars, brainstorming sessions and games.

“Child development starts in the family and continues in the school. These two environments should be supportive and interesting enough to develop children’s mind. Beautiful environment makes people think beautifully. If we are led only by technology in this rapidly changing world, we will lose the important skill of creating. Not underrating the roles of these two, we empower creative attitude, by also using innovative technologies”, - VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

Children of Armenia Fund Executive Director Anoush Yedigaryan highlights the proper atmosphere provision at educational institutions. 

“As a result of productive cooperation between COAF and VivaCell-MTS, seven creativity labs have been launched at different marzes of Armenia. Education is a crucial basis for the well-being in the life of children, as well as the formation and further development of the individual. This Lab will unite children and teachers, willing to use modern technologies in the education process, making the teaching process more effective, impressive and interesting,” said Anoush Yedigaryan.

Getashen school was built 98 years ago in village school model with a single classroom. Currently 270 children study here. One of the major aims of the school is to foster love towards village life and farming.

Simultaneously with the development of the Creativity Lab, Children of Armenia Fund has founded Healthy School and Aflatoun programs, theater and encourages healthy lifestyle. The school is being reconstructed, Brushodrome has been developed and the cafeteria was refurbished. In the upcoming school year hot and healthy food will be served to the students in a much more pleasant atmosphere. Agrocollege was launched which aims at providing professional education on farming and with the use of latest technologies and best practice.