15:15 | 27.05.15 | News | 4251

Orange organizes a 3-day exhibition of children's paintings

Orange concludes drawing classes in 20 villages of Armenia and finalizes the “Draw your dream” project, organizing a 3 day exhibition on the Northern Avenue in Yerevan.

On the occasion of the Children’s day, from the 30th of May till the 1st of June on the Northern Avenue in an open-air exhibition best pieces drawn by children, having participated in the project in 20 rural communities all over Armenia, will be presented.  The exhibition is open for all comers this Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 11:00 till 20:00, moreover, within the frames of the exhibition special drawing classes by Misak Ajunts will be held during these days from 17:00 till 20:00, for children aged 3-10.

To remind “Draw your dream” project, implemented in April and May,  has involved 900 children of 20 villages of Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Lori, Shirak, Syunik, Tavush and Vayots Dzor regions received drawing lessons. In each village an exhibition of the best drawings was organized and participants of the classes received drawing materials as a gift from Orange.