15:52 | 13.04.15 | News | 3889

    Beeline associates take part in citywide community work day

    Beeline associates took part in citywide community work day, planted trees and cleaned Tsitsernakaberd area of garbage.

    “Beeline has always actively taken part in community work days and environmental events. Ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, each of us strives to make his contribution: our associates are engaged in improving the area adjacent to the Memorial and the company’s leadership provided the symbol of the Centennial events, forget-me-nots, to the associates”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    Beeline recalls that the company has been recognized the Best Environmentally Friendly Organization in 2013 within “Green Economy and Green Workplaces” contest. In 2014, Beeline was recognized by the Union of Armenian Employers as the environmentally responsible company and got a certificate for boosting ‘’green economy” and the best practice, implementation of “green” projects and ongoing support to them.