11:12 | 04.12.14 | News | 4147

    Armenian law enforcement agencies deny me the right of defense, Igor Klimko states

    Former ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko addressed journalists through his Facebook page.

    “Over the past several months, some Armenian news agencies carry out sponsored information attacks striving to discredit me personally as well as some Russian associates of ArmenTel who worked over 2009-2013. In fact, a targeted information war is going on which is aimed at forming a negative public opinion on Russian citizens as of transgressors, creating an image of “robbers and plunderers”, but which are meant for diverting public attention from real sources of problems, or to be more precise, covering “shady dealings” of some persons within ArmenTel and outside of it”, Klimko’s statement reads.

    “However, it’s surprising where the resources get the information while there is a secrecy of investigation. Other mass media outlets, greedy for sensations, reprint or interpret the articles in their own way without much thought, provide unverified and false information and thus lead to formation of negative public opinion. Thus, they forget about presumption of innocence. In this regard, I would like to state that I will file several lawsuits on defense of honor, dignity and business reputation against the media outlets which initiate such publications. I would also like to call attention to the fact that for already 4 months, Armenian law enforcement agencies illegally deny me the right of defense not permitting lawyers to embark on the case. I personally filed a claim on restoring my constitutional right to defense”, stated former ArmenTel top manager.