15:26 | 22.07.14 | News | 3528
A newly created cannery of Ayrum village of the Tavush region will start its production by the end of August. Rehabilitated cannery, equipped by the efforts of G2iA NGO, with the support of the Orange Foundation and Rhone-Alpes region of France, will help to improve the employment situation and create a stable source of income for families of Ayrum and neighboring villages.
“The development of economic activities and of social infrastructure in villages is of a majorimportance to Orange Foundation. In particular, we have supported 3 significant agricultural projects in Tavush and Aragatsotn regions promoting local production and economic development. We are very glad to support this particular project, as it will not only create 50-60 jobs necessary to operate the cannery but will as well enable members of Ayrum and neighboring communities to growjam production by providing harvested berries and fruits.. The quality of Armenian fruits is well known and we believe that this newly operating cannery willextend itsproduction,and sales- may be not only in Armenia- and will ensure morefinancial stability for Ayrum and the near-border communities”, said Francis Gelibter, the General Director of Orange Armenia.
To be noted that in 2013 by joint efforts of Orange Foundation and Shen an agricultural project was launched in Berdavan, supporting traditional peach production of the village and a large scale community development project was implemented in Hartavan, Aragatsotn region. Another agricultural project implemented by Orange Foundation in Vazashen village of the Tavush region promoted honey production in the community.