16:03 | 31.05.14 | News | 3444

The Leadership School students from Georgia visit VivaCell-MTS

In the frame of the regional development programs by the Leadership School, a group of student from Georgia visited VivaCell-MTS headquarters.

Armenia’s leading telecommunications operator pays particular importance to revealing the professional aptitudes of employees and the ability of the manager to value those capacities.

During the meeting the students were introduced with the advantages of systemized approach in management.

“To succeed a company needs healthy working environment, be responsible towards its employees, customers and the society at large, be consistent on its way to success and be guided by healthy competition. Keeping the pace with the technological advancements is equally important. To come true all these requires will, faith and determination. We are confident that you will succeed if you follow these standards”, VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said at the meeting.