17:37 | 30.05.14 | News | 3828

    Orange participates to the Mobile App Expo 2014 and supports young developers of mobile applications

    During the Mobile App Expo 2014, launched today, Orange has presented its “My Orange” application, which being launched in November 2013, was the first one in the Armenian telecommunication industry.  Orange has as well announced a call for pitches from young developers to explore further partnership opportunities.

    “Orange has been the first to launch a mobile application in Armenian Telecom field. “My Orange” application enables subscribers to better manage their accounts, be aware of the new products and services, as well as have access to entertaining content. We are pleased that Already more than 8000 Orange subscribers actively use it and our objective is to double this number rapidly. Orange is as well concentrating its efforts on exploring partnership opportunities with the community of the mobile application developers. We believe that Armenian mobile application field has a great potential and are open to the ideas of these young talents. These partnerships will allow us to possibly better customer experience of our subscribers at the same time supporting further development of  mobile applications in Armenia”, said Francis Gelibter .

    To be noted that My Orange” application, made for Android and iOS platforms, is free of charge and allows Orange customers to check their balance, make recharges, check Orange Merci points and convert them into minutes, SMS or data bundles, buy international minutes bundles, activate or deactivate the roaming service etc. The second updated version of “My Orange” mobile application is currently available on Play Market, as well as AppStore.