15:17 | 30.05.14 | News | 4950

    SCPEC: “ArmenTel hindered Rostelecom operation”

    As a result of the examination of Rostelecom’s request, State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia found out that “ArmenTel hindered Rostelecom operation”.

    Senior specialist of Analysis and Competition Assessment Deparmtnet of the Commission Anna Petrosyan said this at the SCPEC session today, Mediamax reports.

    According to her, Rostelecom informed the Commission in April that it leased some infrastructures owned by ArmenTel to expand the geography of its services and provide internet to subscribers. Rostelecom stated that it made all the payments in accord with the legislation but ArmenTel presented an agreement which included extra charges besides the lease payment which make around AMD1mln 720 thousand a year.

    “In fact, Rostelecom can’t get the services from another company as only ArmenTel owns such infrastructures. Being sure that the company has no alternative, ArmenTel tried to impose conditions on the latter and charge extra amount. ArmenTel ought to meet any company’s request if the latter made the fixed payments”, said the specialist of the Commission.

    Rostelecom CEO Hayk Farmazyan said that being informed about the case, ArmenTel cooperated with the company within law during the case investigation without extra terms. Hayk Farmazyan noted that due to ArmenTel’s steps, Rostelecom requestsed the Commission to suspend the case investigation.

    Chairman of the Commission Artak Shaboyan noted that the main goal of the Commission is to address the issue.