16:12 | 21.10.13 | News | 4566
“ArmenTel” (Beeline trademark) announced the start of digitization works for landline infrastructure in the village of Urtsadozor of Ararat marz. Upon the completion of modernization due on November 15, 2013, high-quality digital landline and wired broadband internet network through ADSL+2 technology at up to 10Mbps will be available to the villagers.
“Consequent modernization of the wired infrastructure and investments into development are conditioned by “ArmenTel’s” aspiration to change the life for the better, open up new standards of landline network and provide quality and high-speed wired internet which is critically needed in the regions”, noted “ArmenTel” CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.
It should be noted that after landline network modernization in the village of Urstadzor, over 86% of “ArmenTel” subscribers across whole Armenia will be connected to landline network. The overall length of cables of the company’s subscriber network exceeds 13 000 km and the length of fiber-optic network – over 3 500 km.