17:51 | 16.08.13 | News | 4600

Karabakh Telecom enlarges geography of its internet services

Starting from today Karabakh Telecom’s wireless internet service will be provided to the following villages and communities:

• Kovsakan Town and Aygehovit Village in Qashatagh Region,
• Gishi Village in Martuni Region,
• Shosh and Noragyugh Villages in Askeran Region,
• Tumi and Mets Tagher Villages in Hadrout Region,
• Chapar Village in Martakert Region,
• Achapnyak district of Stepanakert.

At the same time, Karabakh Telecom will be doubling the speed of its internet service to the villages of Artsakh, at no additional cost to its subscribers, the company informs.