15:42 | 02.07.13 | News | 4049

    ArmenTel presents "Two Days in a Fairy Tale" to children from Chinari village

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) supports "Two Days in a Fairy Tale" social and entertainment program organized for children from border settlements of Armenia.

    Within the project, over 50 pupils of school of Chinari village visited various children's entertainment places in Yerevan city center, "Beeline Communication Museum" and got acquainted with the work of the operators of the company's service centers, the company reported.

    The children aged 8 - 14 were presented the exposition of historical development of landline telephone communication in Armenia - from telegraphs of the 19th century up to the most up-to-date high-tech solutions.

    "ArmenTel" CJSC Andrey Pyatakhin met with pupils from Chinari. "I am very pleased to see your happy and curious faces and I hope you will remember the trip to Yerevan and visit to "ArmenTel" for a long time. ArmenTel will be oriented to make the life of each child saturated and bright in social projects for children and such campaigns will be a good tradition", said the company's CEO turning to the children.

    Within "Two Days in a Fairy Tale" project, the young guests of the capital visited the Waterworld, children's entertainment centers, Zoo, amusement parks and met many interesting people. The project is supported by Ministry of Transport and Communication and Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. The project united many bloggers, social network users, media representatives, government officials and business representatives.