10:06 | 22.02.13 | News | 3550

    Beeline to notify subscribers about roaming tariffs automatically

    “ArmenTel” (Beeline trademark) announces the launch of an “Automatic notification of roaming tariffs” service. Starting from February 20, being in roaming and having registered inside the operator’s network, Beeline Armenia mobile subscribers will receive an SMS-message notifying about the tariffs on international roaming services on the territory of the given country.

    “We thoroughly control the quality of services provided to our clients abroad. Realizing that in recent years our citizens began to visit various countries more often, spend their vacation abroad or make business trips, during which the phone is an irreplaceable tool, we have launched a free service of automatic notification of clients about roaming charges inside the networks of our roaming-partners. We hope that Beeline’s this innovation will help our customers effectively control their expenses for communication while being abroad,” said “ArmenTel” acting CEO Karen Shakhnazaryan said.

    Roaming tariffs inside the networks of all operators in the country of destination are the same except for those countries where Beeline is present as an operator. Inside Beeline network, the subscribers can communicate by more profitable tariffs. Within the framework of the “Automatic notification of roaming tariffs” service, “ArmenTel” will notify the customers about the presence of Beeline network in the host country, offering them to connect to more affordable tariffs in the roaming zone.

    When changing the country, irrespective of the change of the roaming zone, the customer will again receive an SMS-message about roaming tariffs in the given country. The new service is free of charge and is activated automatically.