04:41 | 07.11.12 | News | exclusive 5454

    Regulator studies three models of MNP introduction

    Orange Armenia CEO Francis Gelibter stated a few days ago that Armenia will have a normative base for the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service, and conditions necessary for its introduction will be created in mid 2013. As the regulator itself didn\'t make any statements on this matter, Mediamax\'s correspondent tried to find out in the Public Services Regulatory Commission what steps are taken for introducing MNP in Armenia.

    \"6 months ago, we started works on shifting to MNP system. We carry out researches, study the international experience, in particular, the practice of Georgia, Spain and Belarus where the MNP system is already launched. We are currently in the analytical phase, we know the positive and negative sides of the three models very well. In the nearest future, the Commission will make its decision what model is more acceptable and applicable for the Armenian market\", said member of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia Samvel Arabajyan to Mediamax.

    PSRC is going to announce the main areas and principles of MNP introduction in late 2012 and the dates may also be announced.

    Three mobile operators will ensure investments necessary for the MNP system introduction. According to Samvel Arabajyan, the Mobile Number Portability system can be utilized by an independent body or mobile operators. \"On the international market, the system is considered as an extra tool for boosting competition among companies\", he noted.

    The PSRC member thinks that the MNP service will most likely be free or the fee will be symbolic.


    \"There are some restrictions to frequency of changing operators and conditions in many countries: they are nuances which should be taken into consideration and examined  on the legal field\", noted Samvel Arabajyan.

    He said that the draft of amendments in the law \"On Electronic Communication\" is already ready. After their approval, the regulator will adopt a number of legal acts.

    According to the PSRC researches, the overall turnover of the mobile numbers in Georgia, Moldova and Belarus is not large. According to Samvel Arabajyan, the service won\'t have major impact in Armenia as well as there is already rather tough competition on the market.

    It\'s interesting to note that Azerbaijan also gets ready for MNP introduction. On November 6, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Iltimas Mammadov said that the MNP was being tested. Trend reports that the service utility rules are already adopted, the three operators finished the installation of the necessary equipment  and a center for coordination of the process is already set up.

    \"The system is currently being tested. If it\'s not launched till late 2012, it will be available in January-February 2013\", said Mammadov.

    Siranush Yeghiazaryan