12:56 | 26.04.12 | News | 3393

ArmenTel to continue helping children with special needs

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) and Philatelpia NGO will continue cooperation aimed at settling problems of children with special needs.

Owing to ArmenTel support, Philatelpia NGO has been implementing projects of enhancing public awareness on children with special needs, supporting their parents socially and psychologically and implementing practical programs of assistance for already 3 years. Holding of computer courses for children and volunteers and advanced courses are among the programs implemented by the NGO in particular, the company reports.

“Technologies help thousands of such children feel full part of the society in developed countries. ArmenTel is determined to propagate the practice in Armenia and use capacities of modern technologies to fulfill children’s needs”, noted ArmenTel’s spokeswoman Anush Begloyan.

In his turn, Director of “Philatelpia” NGO Hovik Israelian noted that owing to cooperation with ArmenTel, the organization has supported numerous citizens both in the capital and regions of Armenia.