13:44 | 20.01.11 | News | 3693

    The website of Armenian Ministry of Transport and Communication recognized as “the most transparent”

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. The website of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Armenia www.mtc.am is recognized the best among governmental websites as to the level of transparency of the provided information.

    Presenting the results of the realized monitoring of websites in Yerevan today, expert of the Freedom of Speech Protection Committee of Armenia Mesrop Harutyunyan informed that the second place as to transparency and availability of information is occupied by the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the third line belongs to the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia.

    Mesrop Harutyunyan added that the last three positions among 23 establishments are the websites of the Police, the Ministry of Justice and the State Revenue Committee.

    Monitoring over the activity of the websites was carried out in September-October, 2010.

    “We hope that after publication of the monitoring results, some establishments will improve the work of their websites”, the expert stated.

    Websites of regional administrations of Armenia also underwent monitoring. As to transparency of information, the first place is occupied by Armavir region, and the last place – by Shirak region.

    “Transparence and Availability of Armenian Governmental Structures’ Information” monitoring was realized, given support of “Open Society” – Armenia Foundation.