14:07 | 16.12.09 | News | 4016

    Indian supercomputer to start functioning in Armenia in 2010

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. The works on establishing Indian-Armenian “Center of Excellence” in Yerevan will be initiated in early 2010, and the center will carry out full-fledged activity since October.

    Mediamax reports that the Director of “Enterprises Incubator” Foundation Bagrat Yengibaryan informed on this today, speaking at the joint news conference with the Minister of Economy of Armenia Nerses Yeritsyan, Ambassador of India in Armenia Achal Kumar Malkhutra and the experts of the Indian Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC).

    “Enterprises Incubator” Foundation is the partner of C-DAC in founding the Center of Excellence in Armenia.

    Bagrat Yengibaryan informed that the Center will be located on the territory of Yerevan State University (YSU), will have a network of laboratories in other establishments and will be open for researchers and representatives of the private sector. According to Bagrat Yengibaryan, Indian Param supercomputer will be placed in the center to realize research in the sphere of IT (in High Performance Computing), bioinformatics and chemistry. The center will be meant for educating 1000 IT specialists a year.

    Minister of Economy of Armenia Nerses Yeritsyan informed that the basic direction of the center’s activity will be training of a wide spectrum of specialists for the IT sector. Courses for the teaching staff of higher educational institutions will be organized in the center. Training and retraining of specialists from governmental and other structures will be realized. The Minister noted that the Center will also carry out certification and certification courses not only for specialists from Armenia, but also from neighboring countries.

    The volume of investments by the Indian side in the project makes $1.75mln. Earlier Bagrat Yengibaryan noted in an interview to Mediamax that Armenia would invest over $500 thousands in founding the center.