15:19 | 15.12.09 | News | 3612

Beeline launched new corporate tariff plans

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” launched new corporate tariff plans “Beeline Business-1”, “Beeline Business-2” and “Beeline Business-3”.

Under “Beeline Business-1” tariff plan, the monthly subscriber fee makes 2599 AMD and includes 50 Mb of free GPRS internet traffic. Calls to numbers of the “closed group” are free of charge, the cost of a minute of outgoing call to mobile and landline networks of Beeline makes 15.99AMD, and to numbers of two other operators in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh – 29.99 AMD.

Under “Beeline Business-2” tariff plan, the monthly subscriber fee makes 1300 AMD and includes 30Mb of free GPRS internet traffic. The cost of one minute of outgoing call to the “closed group” numbers makes 3 AMD, and to numbers of mobile and landline networks of Beeline - 18AMD, to numbers of two other operators in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh – 33AMD.

Under “Beeline Business-3” tariff plan, the monthly subscriber fee makes 650 AMD. The cost of one minute of outgoing call to the “closed group” numbers makes 5 AMD, and to numbers of mobile and landline networks of Beeline makes 25AMD, to numbers of two other operators in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh – 35AMD

“Our new tariff plans are at most adapted to the needs of business. Their main peculiarity is that within the framework of one organization one can use one of the tariff plans, just like their combination. For instance, one can activate “Beeline Business-1” for employees, who use connection a lot and for whom availability of free of charge calls inside the group and low tariffs in all local directions are important, and “Beeline Business-3” can be activated for those, whose work does not provide for intensive use of one’s cell pone”, Sales Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Sergey Kapitonov stated.

In “Beeline Business-1”, “Beeline Business-2” and “Beeline Business-3” tariff plans, the cost of one outgoing SMS inside Beeline network makes 10 AMD, and to other mobile connection networks of Armenia and NKR - 20 AMD, to numbers of international operators – 30 AMD. The cost of 1 Mb of GPRS-traffic makes 29 AMD.