13:27 | 25.03.09 | News | 9696

Mediamax agency presented new internet project - Itel.am

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Mediamax News Agency presented www.Itel.am (Advanced Armenia) internet project in Yerevan today. The project is created to be a platform for coverage and interactive discussion of telecommunications, internet, IT and innovations spheres in Armenia.

General Manager of “VivaCell-MTS” mobile operator Ralph Yirikian and the Head of Public Relations Service of “ArmenTel” Anush Begloyan participated in the presentation.

Ralph Yirikian welcomed the initiative of Mediamax agency.

“I welcome the creation of this website and wish that it develops every day. I consider it very important for information not only about large companies, but about other organizations, represented in the given spheres, to be placed at the website”, he noted.

General Manager of “VivaCell-MTS” highlighted the availability of blogs of companies’ heads at www.Itel.am, noting that this option will allow people asking questions and receiving answers.

“Due to this website, direct contact with the society will be established, the fact allowing increasing confidence of the population, making our activity more open and transparent”, Ralph Yirikian stated.

Head of Public Relations Service of “ArmenTel” Anush Begloyan expressed hope that the launch of www.Itel.am will contribute to solution of problems, concerning the quality of internet resources in Armenian language and will serve to formation of a “society of analysts”.

www.Itel.am website consists of three main sections:

- news and interviews of Mediamax;
- comparative description of services provided by mobile operators and internet providers;
- blogs, hosted by heads of large companies especially for Itel.am.

www.Itel.am website is the second internet project of Mediamax, launched this year. In February, www.Capitalmarket.am website, devoted to Armenian securities market, was presented. Mediamax Agency also owns www.Banks.am (Financial Armenia) and www.Auto.am (Automobile Armenia) portals.

CapitalMarket.Banks.am website is elaborated by SiteMax Company - the strategic partner for Mediamax in elaboration and promotion of internet projects.