16:41 | 20.11.23 | News | 11320

Four families in Syunik to get support through Viva-MTS’ program

Viva-MTS and “SOURCE” foundation will support four families in Syunik through the program “Personal Assistant”.

It’s been 8 years, Viva-MTS and the “SOURCE” foundation jointly implement the “Personal Assistant” program in support of children with disabilities. Professional and experienced personal assistants offer 15-hour care and skill development for 4 months. In the past three years, this program has expanded, and includes all regions. This year the number of beneficiary families has exceeded twenty, with four of them living in Syunik.

The family of Ohanyans from Syunik has been going through the challenges for five years now, since the birth of their youngest son, Davit. His care requires a unique approach, but there are no development centers in Meghri. His parents heard about the program “Personal Assistant” and applied to become one of its beneficiaries.

Gayane considers this program irreplaceable. She is looking forward to meeting with the personal assistant, and hopes to overcome the challenges together. While she managed to integrate her child to some extent by ensuring his attendance to kindergarten, she acknowledges the indispensable role of professional assistance. Connecting with families facing the same problems has further strengthened her confidence.

Personal assistants possess not only specific professional knowledge, but also first aid skills, enabling them to provide necessary care. Teacher-assistants work with children at home, accompany them to school, other centers, and public places. There is also a control mechanism: a team of coordinating professionals collaborates with families and assistants to create a weekly individual plan for each child, and manage communication between the child, assistant, and parents.