10:37 | 10.09.21 | News | 3667

Yeghegis settlement illuminated with the support of Viva-MTS

All the main streets of Yeghegis settlement are illuminated due to the mutual efforts of Viva-MTS and the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) .

The outdoor lighting installation works at Yeghegis settlement were implemented in autumn of 2020.

The installed LED lights allow to have savings in the communal budget and allocate them towards other issues, as well as the lights will prevent some cases of human-wildlife encounters during the nighttime. The project has also environmental component.

During 2020 some 41 LED lights were installed in Yeghegis, lighting around 1.5 km streets. The illumination works are in the process, and by the end of this year 50 more LED lights will be installed illuminating 1.9 km-long streets. By the end of the working process Yeghegis streets will be illuminated by 90%.

Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikyan, the Director of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets Ruben Khachatryan, the administrative head of Yeghegist settlement Armen Hakobyan and others were present at the opening ceremony of the energy-efficient system.

“By end of year we will fully illuminate a village, where the Orbelyan dynasty had a residence in the 13th-14th centuries. That’s an honor for us. But, generally speaking, helping infrastructure development has always been in the focus of our attention. That goes in line with the model of management that we have chosen for us – the objectives of the corporate social responsibility. Programs like this one are fundamental for the proportionate development of the country, and also in terms of mindfully exploiting the natural resources. I am happy to see yet another result. To achieve that, we need flexible management, investments, coordinated work, and patience,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.