11:31 | 27.04.20 | News | 12251

Ucom’s Board of Directors: The company is stable, no staff reduction planned

The Board of Directors of Ucom has issued an address to the employees in order to resolve the situation within the company and secure continuous operation of the business. You can read the address below.

“We understand that the uncertainty and concerns of recent weeks have put you in a difficult position. We also understand that many of you faced a choice and acted in order to maintain the team spirit. We highly appreciate the rational approach and neutral stance of all those who did not get involved in the disputes between the shareholders. As resolution of this situation, it is important to underline that the company does not intend to discuss the actions by the employees during the state of emergency, leaving it all in the past.

Our agenda includes only reunification of the team for one purpose – to serve our subscribers as an Armenian telecom operator to the best of our ability. In this regard, the Board of Directors presents the follow address to the employees:

1. The three-day period, provided for by the law for withdrawal of resignation letters, has passed. However, we have learned that many members of the staff, who want to continue working at Ucom, feel constrained by this condition. In this regard, we inform the staff that it is the established term for you to withdraw you resignation letter. We understand and respect your choices, but it is important that decisions are made based on the rational analysis of the situation.

2. We are aware that different sources have addressed to you conclusions that cast doubts over the stability and long-term nature of the jobs in Ucom. We announce officially that the company is stable, the operation is continuous, and no staff reduction is planned.

3. We understand that you might have concerns about salaries for objective and subjective reasons. We announce that the Board of Directors has engaged additional means in order to pay the salaries and secure continuous operation of the company. This issue has been resolved under the management of newly appointed Director General Ara Khachatryan, and additional information will be provided to you at a later date.

4. We are aware that some departments of the company might experience uncertainty about organization of the working processes. Given the restrictions which were imposed for the lockdown, this issue may be resolved quite slowly, but we are certain that under the management of the new Director General, the company will settle this issue as well, the same as the others. We ask you to be patient and to take initiative.

5. Although in recent years the Board of Directors’ activity was presented to the staff via mediators, we believe it is important to restore direct communication and transparency for the benefit of the company. In order to secure the accountability of the Board of Directors to the staff, we have created board.office@ucom.am email. This email will provide information about key matters directly from the board.

Looking ahead at the development of Ucom, we are certain there are new achievements and pride in the future. Until them, we plan to engage new opportunities and investments to settle all issues in the company.”