10:49 | 15.04.20 | Articles | exclusive 141407

noomee mobile app for autistic children launches Android version

noomee mobile app designed for children with autism is now available in PlayStore.

The app’s co-founder Gayane Hovhannisyan has told Itel.am that the app will be free until June 1, which will save the users USD 15 monthly.

There are over 24 million autistic children (aged under 18) in the world, and the number is growing. noomee is created to help these children live like a full member of the society

The app helps the children to organize their daily schedule, learn simple daily activities, and become more independent. For the therapists working with autistic children the app is an additional tool for saving time and another resource.

“April is autism awareness month, and given the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on children, we have decided to polish the app quickly, and we launched it on April 2 (the World Autism Awareness Day),” said Gayane Hovhannisyan.

Thanks to noomee, parents can make up to some extent the absence of therapists and help the children to maintain the skills they have learned.

According to her, after several stages of technical and content testing the app is ready and useful for children with autism spectrum disorders, their parents, guardians, and teachers.

“We recommend the app for children aged 3-12 if they have the diagnosis, but older children and children with other types of disorders can find it useful too,” underlined Gayane Hovhannisyan.

She has highlighted that autistic children experience difficulties with communication, behavior, daily activities and focus of attention. The mobile app noomee consists of 4 sections which help the children develop skills that solve the mentioned issues, essentially carrying on at home the work they do with therapists.

Narine Daneghyan