13:55 | 10.04.20 | News | 13001

    Andrey Pyatakhin intends to remain CEO at Beeline

    Andrey Pyatakhin does not intend to leave his position of CEO at Beeline Armenia, the company has said in a statement.

    “In response to the inquiries from the media, we state that Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin maintains his position in the company and does not plan to leave it. Beeline Armenia continues working in the usual regime, upholding commitments to clients and concerned parties,” the statement reads.

    Reports came in late in the evening of April 9 that senior managers of Ucom, including co-founder Hayk Yesayan and General Director Hayk Yesayan, resigned.

    According to CivilNet, the resignation is the result of disagreements between the management and the shareholders of Ucom. In particular, the managers’ resignation letter notes that the disagreements concerned the shareholders’ decision that after Ucom and Beeline Armenia merge, the company should be managed by the leadership of Beeline Armenia.

    The deal between Ucom and Beeline has not signed an official deal.