11:29 | 21.12.18 | News | 13866

VivaCell-MTS hosts UNICEF program stakeholder children

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian hosted UNICEF program stakeholder schoolchildren within the frameworks of the Open Doors’ day organized at the Company.

The children had already had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Yirikian at “Tumo” Center, and had expressed willingness to visit the headquarters of the Company to get acquainted with its operations and to learn more about the main principles of telecommunication.

At the meeting the young visitors of the Company heard VivaCell-MTS’ story of success, got acquainted with specifics and trends in telecommunication, the work that the Company does, as well as the fundamental values shared at VivaCell-MTS.

Children also toured the Call Center, as well as the service center located at the headquarters of the Company and got an opportunity to witness the customer care in practice.

During the conversation with the children VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian shared his own perceptions of success. VivaCell-MTS General Manager advised to seek for more opportunities to learn and to understand the importance of sharing experience. The businessman encouraged the participants not to refrain from any type of work, but to seek to gain knowledge and skills from everything they do. “Never try to avoid ‘black’ work, if it is your duty. Every type of work requires skills and every type of work is an effort that deserves respect. Within the course of time you will learn to appreciate work and the efforts people make, only if today you do that work yourself.”

During the conversation the participants addressed their questions to Ralph Yirikian and received advice on creating their own path of success.