17:39 | 03.07.18 | News | 13907

6 startups win in Innovation Matching Grants contest

The winners of Innovation Matching Grants (IMG) have been announced. The competition, implemented with EU support, took place at Vanadzor Technology Center.

14 teams, selected during the preliminary stage, qualified for the final on June 29.

6 startups received EUR 35k for implementation of programs in 9-month period.

360Stories Armenia - platform that uses the engaging 360-degree footage to sell one-day tours and attractions online.

ESwap - platform that combines users’ different stores data and easily manages them from one platform.

Himnark People - online platform automates management of labor contracts and calculation of salaries. The system requires minimal participation from users.

Hirebee.ai - staff.am’s team’s new AI product, which is a modern collaborative AI driven HRTech platform that harnesses the power of data and deep learning algorithms to save recruiter’s time and boost quality hiring process by providing pipeline of targeted candidates. It is an end-to-end recruitment platform, empowering recruiters to automate candidate screening process and focus on what really matters in their business.

WireStock - first decentralized image storage and licensing platform built for stock photographers.

ESwap - multi-channel inventory management software for retailers that have a problem of stock overselling, problem for spending huge time on operational things and do not have a time for expanding their businesses in the new markets, as well problem of getting union reports of the same type of products.

Smart Metering System for Power Distripution Networks startup is among the winners.

The Innovation Matching Grants competition is implemented by Enterprise Incubator Foundation in the scope of the “Support to SME development in Armenia (EU-SMEDA)” project, which is co-funded by European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ in the scope of “Private Sector Development in South Caucasus” regional programme.