14:55 | 03.07.18 | News | 13065

Climate Tech hackathon in Armenia reveals winners

Climate Tech hackathon ended in Armenia on July 1 after two days of competition between nine teams.

The hackathon was organized by UNDP forest and wildfire management program in cooperation with UNDP’s ImpactAim Venture Accelerator and Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center (ISTC).

photo © Climate Tech

Smart City and Forest Berg team were jointly awarded the prize for The Best Solution in Agriculture (USD 2000).

Smart City developed an automated irrigation system for greenhouses and Forest Berg presented the smart monitoring system that allows protecting forests and agricultural lands from fires, illegal logging and hunting.

The winner of The Best Solution in Forestry (USD 2000) is Datathon.

The startup developed a quick response system for fires. It collects data on peculiarities of the given forest, combines it with the information about weather conditions and predicts how the fire will spread depending on where in the forest it starts.

Finally, the award for The Most Innovative Idea (USD 1000) went to Baskcleaner.

This startup designed a device that cleans rubbish off the surface of lakes.

Organizer of the hackathon, Wildfire Management Project Technical Task Leader Vardan Melikyan has told Itel.am that this is the first hackathon of its kind in Armenia, aimed at finding solutions for challenges emerging in agriculture and forestry because of climate change.