14:05 | 08.12.17 | News | 20228

Ucom supports launch of stem.am online portal

With the support of Ucom, “STEM Programs Center” and “Internet Society” organizations, stem.am online portal for interactive methods and distant learning has been launched in the Secondary school N24 after Gevorg Chaush in Vanadzor.

The portal is one of the key directions of the program for development of STEM capacities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), intended for extracurricular learning. The program aims at building a new model for development of STEM capacities through effective collaboration of education, science and business, as well as joining of resources.

“The problem we have often encountered and want to solve through this portal is to some extent solvable in case of web accessibility. Very often, when we pay visits to “Armath” engineering laboratories, operating in regions and remote rural communities, we witness lack of teaching staff in the schools, where the laboratories are situated. This portal is designed exactly for children, who live in such remote settlements, to help them fill their knowledge gap and develop skills,” said Hayk Yesayan, the Director General at Ucom.

Within the frames of the program, programming, cosmology, mathematics and flying objects designing study groups will be operating in schools on Sundays. Lessons of these study groups will be broadcast on STEM channel and will be available to all Armenian schoolchildren.