11:58 | 20.11.17 | News | 22100

    Beeline to sell and auction premium phone numbers online

    Beeline Armenia launched bid.beeline.am, where persons interested can buy premium numbers that were previously unavailable at the sale and customer care offices or for online orders.

    You can choose and buy a premium number until December 19, only on bid.beeline.am. The website offers 72 unique numbers.

    There are two ways to purchase a number: order for a fixed price within 30 days on bid.beeline.am or wait for the mentioned period to be over and take part in the auction, which will kick off at 8 pm on 19 December 2017.

    Prices will be lower for all numbers that are left for the auction, but the final prices will be defined during the auction, depending on participants’ offers. The auction will end at 8 pm on December 20.

    “We decided to develop a separate online platform to enable our customers to get premium numbers in a simple, convenient and transparent way. You can take part in the auction and purchase a number on any device and from any place, where you have internet access. This is a part of our global strategy, which is aimed at developing digitals ways of customer services,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    For purchases of phone numbers that cost no more than AMD 3,000,000 Beeline offers free delivery to any address or sale and customer care office in Armenia indicated by the buyer.