11:04 | 01.11.17 | IT Teens | exclusive 105251

IT Teens: Sergey Vardanyan

It’s a proved fact that love for technologies begins in childhood. Today students go to school with smartphones and do their homework on tablets.

There are many teenagers in Armenia now, who not only use smartphones and tablets but also try to create something on their own - a game, an app or a program.

Itel.am continues its IT Teens series, presenting Armenian teenagers who’ve been interested in technologies since early childhood and create products in this industry.

13-year-old Sergey Vardanyan knows several programming languages, builds robots and develops mobile games.  

“I constructed a robot on my own with a special computer program, which allows controlling it. Later I will also develop a mobile app. I applied my knowledge from robotics club to make this already moving robot. When I have questions I always turn to Google search,” Sergey tells.

Sergey Vardanyan    Sergey Vardanyan
photo © Mediamax

The young programmer studies robotics at Armath lab of School No.173. He knows C++, Java, C#, HTML, JavaScript languages. Sergey plans to learn more programming languages in the coming year and deepen his knowledge in C++, Java and C#.

Sergey has developed 2 mobile games.

“In the first game robot runs on the platform and kills the enemies. The second game is based on AR elements, i.e. robot can walk and fly above thorns. The game is currently being developed and will be available in iOS, Android and web versions within several months. By the way, I learned to apply AR solutions on my own,” he emphasized.

Sergey Vardanyan    Sergey Vardanyan
photo © Mediamax

Sergey dreams of entering a foreign university for learning programming. He would also be happy to get a job at Google in Silicon Valley. Sergey read a lot about the working process there and liked it very much.

Blitz questions

-Football or computer games at home?

-50/50. I prefer being outside when the weather is fine. Usually I play football with my classmates. When I have the right mood I play computer games at home, and if not, I try to read and learn new things.

-What would you do with your first million?

-I would buy more powerful computer to make my work easier. I would also travel around the world and invest in startups, as well as various technological clubs so that more and more children get involved in the world of technology.

-Holidays at Silicon Valley or in the Maldives?

-I would spend a month in Silicon Valley and another month in the Maldives, but Silicon Valley is a priority.

- Can you name an IT person you would like to dine with?

- I would dine with Bill Gates. I would ask him USD 1 million investment for my startup. We would eat some traditional khorovats (Armenian barbeque) while negotiating.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos by Emin Aristakesyan